Summer School Enrolment Form Summer School Enrolment Student First Name Student Last Name Pronouns PronounsHe/HimShe/HerThey/ThemOther Date of Birth Choice of Program Choice of ProgramBand in a Week - 1st-4th July 10am -3pmSwiftie Summer - 8th -11th July 10am -3pmMagical Musicians - 15 - 18th July 10am -3pmSuper Musicians - 22nd - 25th July 10am -3pmBand in a Week - 29th July - 1st August 10am -3pmSwiftie Summer - 5th - 8th August 10am -3pm Permission Permission I give permission for the student to be included in photos taken by the music school during the class that maybe used on social media and other publicity materials. Emergency Contact First Name Emergency Contact Last Name Pronouns PronounsHe/HimShe/HerThey/ThemOther Relationship to Student Address Telephone Email Terms & Conditions Terms & Conditions I have read the terms & conditions and agree Mailing List Mailing List I wish to receive emails from Brick Lane Paisley SUBMIT